The Los Angeles Parents Union Presents...
Los Angeles Convention Center
Dear Los Angeles Parents Union Supporter,
The Los Angeles Parents Union (LAPU) is pleased to extend an invitation to you for the First Annual "We Too Have A Dream" Parents Conference happening Saturday, April 19th, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. With an estimated 2,500 parents from throughout Los Angeles coming together to discuss ways parents can participate in improving public education, this is sure to be a historic event in Los Angeles.
The "We Too Have a Dream" Parent Conference will expand the Parents Union's successful Parent University program by engaging parents throughout LA in dialogue about the state of public education in Los Angeles, understanding key data about their neighborhood schools, navigating college preparatory curriculum as well as community resources available for families. LAPU will also host a Parent Union Resource Fair where our community partners can provide information about their respective organizations and meet the conference participants.
We will also:
- Provide parent and community friendly workshops about school performance and graduation/college preparatory indicators
- Understanding Academic Performance Index (API) and Program Improvement (PI) in Los Angeles Schools
- Informing parents about The California State High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and resources for students
- How to access AP, Honors and College and Life Preparatory Curriculum for students
Provide classes geared toward preparing parents and students for success
- Parents' Rights
- How to understand the Education System
- Community Resources for Parents
- 2-year and 4-year College Information
- Parenting Courses
We look foward to your attendance. If you are a parents union member the Conference is free! Please register for the conference at to learn even more about LAPU. If you have any questions, feel free to call 213-621-3052.
We and look forward to your support and participation.
Ryan J. Smith
Executive Director